Title The “Motivational Climate in Physical Education Scale” (MCPES) in Greek Educational Context Psychometric Properties and Gender Effects
Paper ID uEvHw
Keywordsmotivation, motivational climate, teaching methods
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Title A Dimensionality Reduction-Based Approach to Select a Suitable Interpolator for the Mapping of Solar Irradiation Across Pakistan
Paper ID m2GeT
KeywordsSolar irradiation, Interpolation, Principal component analysis, Kriging, RMSE
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Title A Multi-Ontology based Approach for the semantic annotation of semi-structured documents
Paper ID spyuM
KeywordsMultiple Ontologies, Ontology weighting, Ranking of ontologies, Semantic structure, Taxonomic structure, Ontology components, Specific concept, Generic concept, Concept centrality
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Title Seismic Damage Assessment of Reinforced Concrete (RC) Framed Building considering Multiple Demand Parameters in Indian Code Provisions
Paper ID DtGR2
Keywords-Correlation matrix, Damage Assessment, EDP, Global and Local DI, Nonlinear time history analysis, RC frame building.
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Title Semantic analysis of the theorem on uniqueness of expansions in a Taylor series
Paper ID XfRhU
Keywordsnumber series, sum of number series, convergence of number series, Taylor series
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Title Measuring internet banking service quality in Iranian banks and its effect on Customer satisfaction and commitment
Paper ID ZUoi4
KeywordsInternet Service quality, dimensions of internet banking, Factor analysis, customer satisfaction, customer commitment
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Title Personalised Augmented Reality for Education: Optimisation for Particular Users’ Needs
Paper ID UvtKm
Keywordslearning personalisation, augmented reality, user needs, learner models, intelligent technologies
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Title Assessing Marine Captured Fishery Performances of Various Fishing Gears
Paper ID DmSMq
KeywordsFinancial, Non-financial, performance, fishery industry.
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