The basic tendencies and prospects of spatial development of the Russian Federation are generalized, the provision on consideration of clusters as a key factor of transformation of economic space is put forward. Based on the analysis of cluster formation dynamics in the regions of the Russian Federation three «clustering waves» of the Russian economic space were identified: the first – 2009-2011, the second – 2011-2013, and the third – 2013-2016. It is concluded that insufficient efficiency of the state policy on formation and development of innovative clusters for the analyzed period is conditioned by the remaining raw material character of the country\'s economy. The lack of significant results within the framework of the allocated third wave of clustering of the economic space of the Russian Federation is caused by the dynamics of energy prices, which led to a decline in economic activity and demand for innovation. On the basis of forecast values of key macroeconomic indicators of economic development for the Russian Federation the practical importance of cluster policy is actualized. The conclusion is made about the optimal strategy of generation of the «fourth wave» of clustering of the Russian economic space on the basis of the cluster model.
This study aims to investigate the directors’ charateristics and its impact on firm’s productivity and firm performance. Directors’ characteristics contains of the level of education (high school, undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate), the type of education (business and non-business), the directors’ tenure. Firm’s productivity is measured using the ratio of sales and the number of employees. Firm performance is measured using the ratio of return on assets (ROA). The population is all listed-firms in the sector of trade and industry with a total of 112 firms and the sample size is 87 firms that is chosen proportionately from each sub-sectors. Due to the missing data and incomplete data, the final sample is 44 firms with a period of 2010 to 2016. A quarterly financial report is used and thus there is 28 financial reports (2010 to 2016), and the total observation is 1232. The ordinary least square (OLS) is used to analyse the data, and prior to analysis, a normality test of data is employed using Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The specification test such as normality test, autocorrelation test, multicolinearity test is performed. The result reveals that the directors’ charateristics has a significant effect on firm’s productivity and firm performance. This significant result is supported by the type of directors’ education that is more than 80% of directors have a master degree and a bachelor degree qualification and most of the directors have an education major in business. Moreover, most of the directors has more that five years of tenure, however, the term of office of the chief executive needs to be limited, because it will impact on saturation and innovativeness
In this study, single independence degree testing system is prepared to find control parameters used in balance control of rolling and pitching axis of drones capable of vertical takeoff and landing. In preparing the test mechanism, the mathematical models of pitching and rolling stability controls in similar literature studies are the same but the mathematical model of yawing stability control is different. Thus, because of the reason that the pitching and rolling stability control parameters are the same, the test mechanism is made as single freedom degree instead of dual freedom degree. In the controller design PID controller often used in the industry today is used and oscillation method found by Ziegler - Nichols was used in findings PID parameters.(Ziegler and Nichols, 1942) ATMEL based Arduino Mega 2560 controller, BNO055 absolute orientation sensor giving Euler angles directly and Brushless DC motor speed are used for control of drone. In this test system balance of rolling or pitching angles of the drone are broken with various angles and Kp, Ki and Kd parameters in control software are found with oscillation method to ensure balance of drone in the shortest possible time. Against these disruptive effects it was observed that system gave quick response for small angle values and exceeding was less and settlement time vas smaller while in bigger angle values system reacted with a little delay and exceeding increased and settlement time grew.
Las lipasas son enzimas capaces de catalizar reacciones de hidrólisis de triglicéridos; son usadas en numerosos procesos dentro de la industria alimenticia, energética, farmacéutica, etc. Ante la necesidad de cumplir con la demanda comercial e industrial actual de este tipo de enzimas en diversos procesos, se han desarrollado diferentes estrategias de estudio de las mismas y sus aplicaciones. Debido a que la mayoría de las especies bacterianas usadas para la producción de lipasas son patógenas, esfuerzos se han realizado en encontrar sistemas alternativos que sean seguros para los diversos procesos en los que se ven envueltas este tipo de enzimas. Así, las lipasas provenientes de hongos y levaduras han adquirido un alto foco de atención. En este trabajo se pretende mencionar las características generales y de producción de lipasas de diversos microorganismos fúngicos determinadas actualmente, a fin de determinar dichas alternativas para los procesos biotecnológicos industriales que demandan este tipo de enzimas
Background: Pediatric hypertension predisposes to hypertension and cardiovascular disease in adult life. Management guidelines of childhood hypertension were accessible for almost 40 years.US Preventive Services Task Force provided support for hypertension screening in childhood. To our knowledge, there isn\
This study was carried out at Alapoti community of Ado-Odo/Ota local government area of Ogun State, South West Nigeria for a stable water supply for agricultural and domestic purposes. The area is underlain by Coastal Plain Sand of sedimentary origin. The geology of the Alapoti - Ota makes the groundwater situation a subject of concern as a result of intercalation of Basement complex into sedimentary which invariably masked off the thickness of weathered overburden that would have been the major source of water bearing formation. As such, it becomes difficult to access quality water in some communities within the region. A geo-resistivity survey was carried out in the area and the result revealed namely topsoil, lateritic clay, lateritic clay compacted, clayey-silt sand, clayey – sand, sand (main aquifer) overlays shale-clay. The geoelectrical result was integrated with 58 lineaments (fractures) extracted from Hill Shaded STRM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) data, such set of data revealed dominated the structural trend of SW-NE and NW-SE. The 2D geoelectrical section unveiled the aquiferous zone to be within the range of 80 m and 100 m respectively. The 2D geoelectrical section revealed that the yield of aquifers at VES 7 and VES 10 stations of the study area may have a low yield as a result of thin water bearing formation, whereas the other stations (VES 9, VES 11, VES 12, VES 13 and VES 14) could yield more with a thick water bearing formation. Significantly, this study therefore has established the compatibility of integrating geoelectrical resistivity method and SRTM (digital elevation model) for groundwater investigation in sedimentary zones.
The paper describes control method for two-quadrant three-phase rectifier DC drive system. The DC motor is the main part of equipment in many industrial applications requiring variable speed and load characteristics due to its easy controllability. There are two different types of control loops, current controller and speed controller.\n A control scheme is developed that providing the functions of armature current controller also increased and decreased speed of motor. This paper deal with the speed control of separately excited DC motor control in the better performance way.
This study aimed at investigating the effect of board characteristics and ownership structure on the liquidity risk based on a sample of 13 Jordanian commercial banks during the period 2009-2016.\nLiquidity risk was measured by the ratio of cash and investments to total deposits. Three board characteristics were used, namely; board size, CEO duality and board independence, in addition to three ownership structure measures that include institutional ownership, foreign ownership and ownership concentration.\nUsing panel data regression, the study found that board independence and CEO duality have a positive and significant effect on banks\' liquidity, and thus adversely affect liquidity risk. While the ownership of institutional investors has a negative and significant effect on liquidity ratio, thus, positive effects on liquidity risk.\nStudy\'s findings suggest that effective liquidity risk management requires more independent directors in the board, complete separation between the position of CEO and the Chairman and a lower ownership ratio held by institutional investors
In this study, the influence of coolant temperature and percentage volume concentrations of nanoparticles on exhaust emissions of a single cylinder, four stroke diesel engine at 1500rev/min has been investigated experimentally. The tests were conducted at four different loads and with three different volume concentrations (0.05, 0.1 and 0.2%) of Al2O3/water and CuO/water nanofluids based coolants. The experimental results revealed that the concentrations of NOx emissions were increased and the emissions of HC and CO decreased with the increased of load and coolant temperature. On the other side, with the increase of percentage volume concentrations of Al2O3 and CuO nanoparticles in base coolant, decreasing NOx emission and HC and CO emissions boosted.