Abstract\nThe activation of the flexible work regulation on the ground in the Hashemite Kingdom \nof Jordan, with its positive advantages for both workers and employers, which cannot be \nunderestimated during the Corona pandemic crisis, leads to the continuity and \npermanence of work and thus reduces the negative economic effects caused by the\npandemic.\nEspecially remote work which is a form of flexible work that reduces work-related stress, \ntension, and the need to use transportation. This leads to easing traffic, and reducing \ntransportation expenses for workers, as a result it gives employees greater freedom to \nwork independently which improves their job performance. However, remote work as \none of the most prevalent forms of flexible work, during the Corona pandemic, has many \ndisadvantages, not only from a practical point of view, but also from a psychological and \nsocial point of view for employees, as it results in the worker not being able to separate \nbetween his/her professional life and family life which makes work affect family duties \nand vice versa..\nThis study was divided into two chapters, the first addressed the nature of the flexible \nwork contract, while the second investigated the flexible work regulation during the \nCorona pandemic crisis. As a result, the study reached important findings, the most \nimportant of which is that the flexible work regulation No. (22) was issued in 2017, but it \nwas activated and implemented on the ground during the Corona pandemic after the \ndeclaration of a state of emergency in the Kingdom, through the Defense Order No. (6)of 2020, which involved some restrictions and conditions and caused interruption of \nwork based on some of its provisions, thus giving employers and workers greater\n\naudacity to work with it, in order to ensure the sustainability of work during the Corona\npandemic crisis. Based on the findings of the study, a set of recommendations was\npresented, the most important of which is activating the communication between the\nMinistry of Labor and the Social Security Corporation to study the impact of the \nprovisions of the flexible work regulation on the right of employees to social security so \nthat the hours, days and wages are calculated in a way that does not affect their rights or \ndeny them social security.